The Agilent 33521A 1-channel 30 MHz function / arbitrary waveform generator offers the highest signal fidelity and implements a breakthrough technology that provides you with the ability to generate more accurate arbitrary waveforms. With 10x better jitter than anything in its class, it offers unparalleled control of signal frequency for your most challenging measurements.
Waveform Generation •单通道和双通道2个型号 •更高带宽:30MHz正弦波、方波和脉冲波形 • 高信号保真度:16bit垂直分辨率,抖动小雨40ps,总体谐波失真0.04% • 更高的时间分辨率:250MSa/s,真正的逐点生成任意波形 • 直接产生幅度只有1mVp-p的微小信号 • 大屏幕、高清晰、高亮度彩色现实,直观的前面板用户界面 •内置的LAN和USB接口及可选的GPIB接口