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我公司专业从事超声波传感器、超声波物位仪、超声波浓度计、超声波变送器、超声波测距仪等传感器应用产品的设计、研发、制造,并实施非电量电测和工业企业生产工艺过程的检测与控制项目。目前我公司已自主开发设计了十几个类别几十项传感器应用产品和仪器设备,形成了年生产各类工业用超声波传感器10000只,超声波物位仪、浓度计、密度计、比重仪5000台的生产能力,同时开展了超声波、激光、时间、压力、温度湿度、液位料位、浓度、水份检测控制和电子称重等“非电量”测控项目,并成功地将上述各项测控技术综合应用在“**油料动态供应系统”,“固体(液体)**加注系统”,“游艇和船用声纳预警系统”,“水陆坦克超声波探测系统”;“发电站多点水位监测”以及酿酒、饮料、牛奶生产、水处理、食品生产、环保监测、石油化工等物位检测与监控工程项目中。 兆易科技发展有限公司下属一个电测技术研究所,一个传感器制造厂和一个仪器制造厂,分别是传感器、变送器和非电量测控仪器的设计、研发基地和生产制造基地。此外,研究所还凭借其从事检测控制的丰富实践经验,结合用户的实际应用需要和国际法制计量组织OIML现有标准,与美、日、韩专业集成电路厂家合作,采用0.31μm~0.8μm微电子技术为用户设计各类产品的专用集成电路和ASC(APPLICATION SPECIFIC INTEGRATED CIRCUITS)集成电路。这对用户终端产品由于高度集成而小型化、节能、降低故障率、节约成本、易于生产调试、保护知识产权都具有重要意义。由于工业企业在产品生产工艺过程中,有较多的物理量需要监控,以节约成本,提高产品质量,保证生产**------例如生产环境的温度湿度、物料的含水率、重量、料位、液位、浓度、比重、粘度、压力、张力、扭矩、密度、位移、流量等。这些物理量都可以通过超声波技术和相应的解决方案实现在线连续监测与控制,您只需要提出问题和要求,其它一切复杂的过程设计,都可以交给我们来完成---这就是“总成”式技术服务。 我们知道,把企业办成“小而全”、“大而全”的时代已经过去,取而代之的是高度专业化的社会大分工大协作,只有这样,才会使企业的生产效率、产品品质、规模效益快速提升,为此我们特别为产品制造企业提供产品设计、传感器研发、专用电路的一次和二次集成、厚膜电路设计、OEM电子智能部件、模块化电路单元和传感器的批量配套。目前,我们已经批量配套的有:电信制造业UDX专用集成电路;太阳能热水器液位与温度显控模块;超声波倒车雷达传感器;游艇数字式声纳机芯;除湿机数字湿度变送器总成;超声波自动门控制器;超声波明渠流量计液位传感器;电业局、铁路机务段**日统计机芯;机器人超声波视觉传感器;超声波美容仪传感器等。我们希望与更多企业合作,为您的产品更新换代,注入更多的科技含量,提高市场占有份额,寻找新的经济增长点,实现效益和规模的提升做一份贡献。 21世纪是立体信息时代,传感器和微电子在各个领域的智能化应用与普及将是信息时代的特征和支撑。有人们工作和生活的地方就有传感器和微电子用户和市场。您的需要是对我们的支持,您的发展更是我们的希望。我们将与您一道,风雨同舟,努力开拓,不断进取,秉持“信诚高效,求实**”的企业理念,以优良的品质,合理的价格,精湛的技术,高效的服务,为您的企业提高产品质量,优化生产工艺和制造成本,保障生产**,加快经济发展而共同努力! Our company specializes in designing、 developing and manufacturing many applied sensor productions,such as ultrasonic sensor, ultrasonic locator、ultrasonic consistency meter、ultrasonic transducer, etc. We also work on the examine and control of the process in produce technology both in industries and businesses, in use of NOTcoulometry electric measuring. Our company has developed and designed many types and items of applied sensor productions and equipment so far, gradually we have become capable of manufacturing 10000 ultrasonic sensors of various types a year, and 5000 ultrasonic locators, consistency meters, density meters and hydrometers . In the meantime we also launched several “NOTcoulometry” measure and control projects by ourselves, such as ultrasonic laser, time, pressure, humidity and temperature, charge level, liquid level, concentration, determination and control moisture and electronic weighing, etc. Furthermore, we have successfully applied comprehensively these above-mentioned technology in many locating examine and control projects, for instance, “combat oil dynamic supply system”, “solid(liquid) ammunition filling-up system”, “sonar forewarn system of use on yacht and ship”, “land & water tank ultrasonic sounding system”, ”monitor several point of water level in power station” as well as in wine brewing, beverage, milk production, water treating, food production, environmental protection and petrochemical, etc. There are an electric measuring technical research institute, a sensor works and an instruments & apparatus works subordinate ZHAOYI scientific developing (co.), Ltd. They are designing base, developing base and manufacturing base of sensor, transmitter and NOTcoulometry measure & control instruments. Besides, the institute cooperate with American, Japanese, Korean professional circuits’ plants, relying on their rich practical experiences engaged in examine and control, in the light of need of consumers and the available standard of the Organization of international measuring law (OIML), using the 0.31μm-0.8μm microelectronics technology to design integrated circuits and ASC(Application specific integrated circuits )of various productions. The end productions are highly integrated so that they bring many advantages to the consumers. They are miniaturized, they can save energy, cut down the rate of breakdowns and reduce the produce cost. Besides, they are more easy to produce, debug and can also well protect the intellectual property rights. There are many physical qua