德国BAUDE电缆Semoflex®-Electronic PUR spiral cables BAUDE电缆Semoflex®-Electronic PUR Sprial Cable适用于医药、电子、测量仪器和汽车工业等领域。
PUR螺旋电缆,一种新型的电缆材料制成的螺旋电缆,适用范围广泛,性能*优。PUR螺旋电缆具有耐油耐水解,耐弱酸弱碱,抗老化,防紫外线,防微生物腐蚀等多种优异的化学性能,及耐磨,抗撕裂,和弹性佳等多种优异的物理性能。逐渐成为主导型螺旋电缆替代着市场上的其他类型螺旋电缆。 The spiral cable for electronic applications ( medical electronic, measuring instruments, car industry etc.). Because of the PUR outer sheath we have got a high reset power and duration of life even for spiral cables 0,14 – 0,5 mm2. The screened version has got a high reset power because of a special, helical copper screen.