上海金鹏分析仪器有限公司综合外生化实验设备制造经验生产的RE-3000A旋转蒸发器(旋转蒸发器仪),进行系统详解,可快速查询产品的新报价、图片、技术参数,或者进行产品性能比较,使用非常方便。 RE-3000A旋转蒸发器(旋转蒸发器仪)球磨口冷凝管 转速数显 RE-3000A旋转蒸发器(旋转蒸发器仪)用途简介 旋转式蒸发器是采用旋转蒸发瓶(烧瓶),增大蒸发面积在减压下置于水浴中一边旋转,一边加热的装置,使瓶内溶液扩散蒸发。是化学工业,医药工业,高等院校和科研实验室等单位用于制造及分析实验赖以浓缩,干燥回收等较为理想的必备基本仪器。 RE-3000A旋转蒸发器(旋转蒸发器仪)特点 特氟隆水浴锅、全透明防护罩。保温、节能、防爆、防溅、防锈、防污染。主要构件采用防锈铝合金、特种工程塑料、结构紧凑、外形美观、经久耐用。 RE-3000A旋转蒸发器(旋转蒸发器仪)主要技术参数 主机 跷板式按键快速自动升降0-150毫米 转速 转速数字显示20-200转/分功率40w 加热锅 特氟隆复合锅全封闭加热器功率1.4Kw 温度范围 温度自动控制数字显示水温室温-90℃ 总功率 1.5KW电压:~220V50Hz 冷却器 立式。耐高温玻璃精制双回流一体化球磨口冷凝管配球磨口收集瓶达到快速装卸 加料器 阀门式加料管套接四氟乙烯管 密封圈 氟橡胶真空密封垫圈。 特别申明:⑴本网站所列价目,如厂方有变动,请以厂家新价格为准 ⑵批发优惠幅度因各厂情况不同,请来电咨询。 Analytical Instrument Co., Ltd. Shanghai Jinpeng excellent biological and chemical experiments at home and abroad to create the experience of exclusive equipment produced by RE-3000A rotary evaporator (rotary evaporator Miriam), explain the system can be quickly up-to-date product pricing, pictures, technical parameters or product performance, use very convenient. RE-3000A rotary evaporator (rotary evaporator Miriam) milling speed digital I Condenser RE-3000A rotary evaporator (rotary evaporator NG) use profile Rotary Evaporator Rotary Evaporator used bottle (flask), increased evaporation in the vacuum of space in a water bath at the side of rotation, the side of the heating device, so that the proliferation of evaporation of the solution bottle. Is the chemical industry, medicine industry, institutions of higher learning and scientific research laboratories and other units used in the manufacture and analysis of experiments which concentrated, dry recycling, such as better basic equipment required. RE-3000A rotary evaporator (rotary evaporator instrument) features of Teflon pan in a water bath, the transparent shield. Insulation, energy saving, explosion-proof, splash, anti-rust, anti-pollution. The main use of rust-proof aluminum alloy components, special engineering plastics, compact structure, beautiful appearance, durable. RE-3000A rotary evaporator (rotary evaporator instrument) the main technical parameters Rocker plate fast host keys 0-150 mm automatic take-off and landing Figures show that speed 20-200 rpm r / min Power 40w Add hot pan pot closed Teflon composite heater power 1.4Kw Automatic temperature control temperature range room temperature figures show the water temperature -90 ℃ Total power 1.5KW voltage: ~ 220V50Hz Vertical coolers. Fine quality high temperature glass I double back to the integration of milling with milling Condenser I collected bottles to achieve rapid loading and unloading Feeder type feeding tube valve tetrafluoroethylene tube sockets Fluorine rubber ring gasket vacuum. In particular that: ⑴ prices listed in this website, such as management changes, please price, whichever is the new factory ⑵ the wholesale discount rate is different from the factory, please call the Advisory.