1. 无毒性
2. 电子光学级别
3. 生物可降解
4. 不会破坏臭氧层
OptiClear清洁剂是ND公司**个发明并销售的无毒性非易燃并可生物降解的溶解清洁剂。用来去除附着于光学或电子元件如玻璃、陶瓷或者金属上的蜡、沥青、焊剂、油脂、树脂等污物。OptiClear清洁剂可以直接作为甲苯、二甲苯或者氯化烃类比如三氯乙烯的替代物 , 用于分批清洁或超声清洁而无需变更清洗步骤。OptiClear清洁剂可以去除附着于镜头、光学元件、抛光晶片或者印刷电路板上的蜡质。它拥有强大的溶解能力,但是不会影响到金属或者合金。中性pH也不会侵蚀玻璃。其中的水分少于50ppm。它可以与丙酮、乙醇和异丙醇以任意比例互溶,因而这几种有机溶剂都可以作为后续清洗步骤的选择。
OptiClear is the original, award winning, nontoxic, nonflammable, biodegradable solvent from National Diagnostics. OptiClear is intended for the removal of wax, pitch, flux, grease, resin and solvent soluble resists from optical and electronic components of glass, ceramic, or metal.
OptiClear may be substituted directly for toluene, xylene or chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as trichloroethylene (TCE), in batch-type or ultrasonic cleaners with no alteration in protocol. OptiClear removes wax adhered to lenses, optical components, polished wafers or printed circuit boards.
OptiClear has high solvency power, yet it will not affect metal or metal alloy. OptiClear also has a neutral pH, so it will not stain glass. The water content of OptiClear is less than 50 ppm. It is miscible in all proportions with acetone, ethanol, and isopropanol, any of which may be used as a post wash.
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