Catalog Number:SG LS-309
1 .可 生物降解的组织溶解液/闪烁液
2 . 当与Biosol混合后成为无害的废弃物
3 . 透明的乳剂提供良好的计数效率
Biosol和Bioscint混合后可以形成无害的、 可 生物降解的组织溶解液和闪烁液。 Biosol可以溶解一系列样品,包括组织、滤膜和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶。Bioscint是 一种 中和闪烁液。与biosol混合使用 时 降低了bioscint的化学荧光背景,同时中和作用使得biosol溶解液变得无毒害。1体积的Biosol组织溶解液必须与10体积的Bioscint闪烁液混合才能达到EPA 40 CFR Subpart C 规定的无害废弃物标准。单独的Biosol和Bioscint均不可作为无害废弃物处理。Biosol可以与所有的水溶性闪烁液兼容,但是只有Bioscint闪烁液可以将其中和,*终成为无毒害的废弃物。
When used together, Biosol and Bioscint form a nonhazardous, biodegradable tissue solubilizer and scintillation solution. The solubilizer, Biosol, is designed to be used with a variety of samples, including tissue, filters and polyacrylamide gels. Bioscint is our neutralizing scintillation solution. Used in combination with Biosol, Bioscint eliminates chemiluminescence and renders the solubilizer nonhazardous.
One (1) part Biosol must be mixed with ten (10) parts Bioscint to be disposed of as nonhazardous waste under EPA 40 CFR Subpart C. Neither Biosol nor Bioscint can be disposed of separately as nonhazardous waste. Biosol is compatible with all aqueous scintillation solutions. However, only Bioscint will render the solution nonhazardous for disposal.
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