RELATIVE HUMIDITY CARDS 相对湿度卡 DRIERITE 相对湿度卡 RELATIVE HUMIDITY CARDS相对湿度卡 W.A.HAMMOND DRIERITE 公司 These cards change color from blue to pink to indicate the presence of moisture in the air.
The 30% RH card changes color when the moisture content rises to 30% RH. The 10-60% RH card has 6 spots corresponding to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60% RH that change color individually when the moisture content reaches the indicated level. Both cards return to blue when placed in a dry environment.
These cards are especially useful in conjunction with the compartment desiccator, the minidehumidifier and desiccant bags . They can also be placed in a desiccating chamber to indicate the relative humidity within the chamber.
These cards change color from blue to pink to indicate the presence of moisture in the air.
These cards are especially useful in conjunction with the compartment desiccator, the mini-dehumidifier and desiccant bags . They can also be placed in a desiccating chamber to indicate the relative humidity within the chamber.
30% Relative Humidity card
10-60% Relative Humidity card
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