中赛仪器库存大量各种高频仪器现货特价出售中--本公司长期现金大量高价回收各种高频仪器;如-网络分析仪-视/ 音频分析仪-信号发生器-频谱分析仪-手机综合测试仪 阻抗分析仪 LCR电桥 示波器 ******测试仪静电放电发生器等等…..仪器联糸人;张生 /电话;传真; 选用二手测量仪器的优势是:1、与新购仪器几个月的供货期相比,购买二手仪器的供货期要短的多。在时间就是市场的今天,优势无疑是*为明显的。2、二手仪器的价格便宜,基本为新购仪器价格的20%~50%。在电子技术迅速发展的今天,仪器的更新也在加快,投资越少则风险越小。3、为了让您放心地使用我们提供的二手仪器,我们销售的二手仪器可以做到:1、保修半年至一年不等。2、可以根据您的要求,将仪器送至***计量测试单位进行校准。现货出售爱德万 ADCMT 8230E 光功率计品牌:日本爱德万 | Advantest | ADCMTOverviewThe 8230E is a handheld optical power meter, which is most suitable for production of LDs, optical pickups and drives for optical disks.It was developed to meet functions and performance suitable for CD/DVD production.Two kinds of general-purpose sensors and two kinds of high-output sensors with different shapes respectively (thin-type/cylindrical-type) are available.The thin-type general purpose sensor 82311 is available as an option OPT8230E+11 to the main body.The high-power optical sensors 82313 and 82323 are capable of high-power measurement up to 200mW.The main body that has 4 1/2-digits and 0.01dB resolution display can obtain measurement data easily by using the USB interface installed as standard. Features* Various sensors applicable to optical disks (CD/DVD) -- High-power sensor of up to 200mW (82313/82323). -- The maximum input power of 200mW suitable for pickup measurement of high-speed rewritable CD/DVD -- Low-price general-purpose optical sensor (82311/82321) -- Sensor power calibration wavelength: 650/780nm for CD/DVD -- Highly reliable sensor that minimizes sensitivity deviation over time in the 400nm range (82311/82321/82313/82323) * 1nm-step wavelength sensitivity correction function -- Guaranteed accuracy in the wide wavelength range (OPT+20 only for 82311/82321. Other options are not available for OPT8230E+11.) -- 4 1/2 digits, 0.01dB resolution -- USB interface as standard Option * OPT8230E+11 8230E general-purpose option.This option is sold as a set with the optical power meter 8230E and the optical sensor 82311. * OPT8230E+70 Optical power meter former-type sensor adaptive option.This option enables the former-type sensors 820x series (Q82014A/Q82017A/Q82018A/TQ82015) to be connected.
*The OPT8230E+11 is not available in combination with the OPT8230E+70.
Optical Power Meter Accessories (Optical Sensors