Varian 涡旋干泵是在美国生产,广泛用于各类分析仪器中,在varian及Agilent的分析仪器中,Varian的分子泵占据统治地位,全中国绝对多数分析奶粉三聚氰胺含量的仪器,都会用到Varian的产品。
Agilent IDP-3: Agilent Technologies’ patented scroll pump technology line provides affordable, oil-free vacuum, can be easily integrated into existing systems, and is suitable for a broad range of both research and industrial applications. The pump creates a vacuum using a simple dual scroll mechanism—one nested scroll orbits around the other, creating moving zones of captured gas. Gas enters the scroll pump at the perimeter and is displaced and compressed toward the center hub, where it is exhausted creating low ultimate pressure at high speed. Our dry scroll pumps are ideal primary pumps for many demanding applications–delivering durability, reliability and easy maintenance.
The Agilent IDP-3 operates at a pumping speed of 60 liters/min.
Agilent IDP-3 Technical Feature:
Powerful And High Performance: Agilent IDP-3 DP Dry Scroll Pumps deliver better vacuum performance than other pumps of similar size and its Pumping speed 60 liters/minute
Cost-efficient dry vacuum Agilent IDP-3
Convenient, low maintenance pumps provide affordable dry vacuum for research and industrial applications alike.
Low noise and vibration levels Infrequent, low-cost maintenance
Agilent Varian IDP-3 Easy integration into any system
Varian IDP-3 Dry Oil-Free Scroll Vacuum Pump NEW IDP3B01
Varian IDP-3 Dry Oil-Free Scroll Vacuum Pump with Hour Meter NEW IDP3B11
Varian IDP-3 Dry Oil-Free Scroll Vacuum Pump With Inlet Valve Kit PN IDP3B21
Varian IDP-3 Dry Oil-Free Scroll Vacuum Pump With Inlet Valve Kit and Hour Meter PN IDP3B31
Agilent IDP-3 安捷伦涡旋干泵的实拍图片:
Varian IDP-3 SCroll pump 技术指标如下:
Agilent IDP-3 抽气特性如下:
Varian IDP-3干式无油涡旋真空泵
Varian IDP-3干式无油涡旋真空泵是一个紧凑的,高性能的干泵,提供负担得起的无油真空,便于系统集成,是适合各种广泛的应用。Varian IDP-3干式无油涡旋真空泵采用了**的密封设计,在电机和轴承以外的真空空间,允许所有泵的气体完全隔离。提供了60 L / M强劲的抽速(2.1 CFM)和小于2.5×10-1托的基数非常低的压力。Varian IDP-3干式无油涡旋真空泵提供瓦里安**的涡旋泵结构紧凑,重量轻,成本效益的封装技术的所有优点。Varian IDP-3干式无油涡旋真空泵1 pH值,115伏,60赫兹。
•GC / MS分析
Agilent IDP-3 内部结构如下:
If you need Varian Agilent IDP-3 Scroll Pump, please Connect us:
徐中武 Mobile:/
Tel:86-760-88589636 Fax:86-760-88589689
Felight Vacuum System Co.,LTD
Address:Floor 5, Building 1,Xingye Road, Torch Zone, Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province,China
Please Visit us at
中山共享光电秉承"专心 专业 全心 全意 尽善 尽美",竭诚为光学镀膜行业,光磁存储行业,半导体
生产行业,平板及光电显示器行业,分析仪器及科研行业提供上等的Agilent IDP-3 涡旋干泵销售及维修服务。
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