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美国D&S公司 15R-RGB 便携式镜面反射率计是 15R-USB便携式镜面反射率计 的升级版。
美国D&S公司 15R-RGB 便携式镜面反射率计技术参数如下
USB: A USB port is provided for maintaining and downloading data sets and upgrading the firmware.
LIGHT SOURCE: High intensity white light emitting diode (400-800 nm). This source is chopped at 90 Hz, eliminating stray light problems.
OPTICS: The LED source is mounted behind a small aperture which provides a near point source. This is collimated into a beam by a converging lens. An identical lens focuses the reflected beam into the collection aperture.
FILTER SELECTION: Broad band red, green, blue and IR filters selected via a filter wheel. One additional filter position is unfiltered for measurement over the full spectrum of the white LED.
APERTURE SELECTION: Five apertures providing 4.6, 7, 15, 25 and 46 milliradian full acceptance angles.
ALIGNMENT SYSTEM: Three threaded supports provide for adjustment to bring the reflected beam into alignment with the receiving optics and to compensate for different thicknesses of second surface reflectors.
CALIBRATION STANDARD: A working standard is mounted in a protective housing that couples into the base of the instrument.
RESOLUTION: A 3 ½ digit LCD display indicates reflectance directly to 0.1%. A gain adjust knob allows the user to calibrate the instrument with the working standard.
REPEATABILITY: +/- 0.002 reflectance units.
OPERATING TEMPERATURE: 32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C).
美国D&S公司15R-RGB 便携式镜面反射率计介绍: 便携式镜面反射率计采用可充电电池供电,每次充电完成后可连续测量15个小时。反射计设计小巧,高约15cm,直径12.7cm,重量1.0kg,测量时间约每分钟2~6次并自动记录和存储数据。具有USB接口可进行数据下载、数据维护和固件升级。这些特点对于现场太阳反射镜的测量、检测、生产过程中的质量控制、热控制涂层的维护等应用领域非常理想。 具有如下优点: (1)电池操作,野外便携 (2)重复性:±0.002 (3)质量控制和检测的理想应用产品 上海碧真仪器有限公司欢迎垂询!联系人穆小姐,QQ 27191735 欢迎QQ在线咨询!
美国D&S公司15R-RGB 便携式镜面反射率计原理介绍: 美国D&S公司 15R-RGB 便携式镜面反射率计使用660nm的LED光源,通过校准光学部件产生10mm直径光束源。反射的光束穿过3个孔中的1个,标准接收角度为15、25和46mrad,提供7mrad可选孔径。15R-USB基座上有两个可调节的支承点,可用来调准反射光束与接收光学系统。 支撑点中间具有停止位,可以根据反射镜厚度来调节;为了确认对准,可旋转检测器,通过美国D&S公司 15R-RGB 便携式镜面反射率计顶部的目镜查看光学路径和反射光束。LED光源通过电子截光并同步测量反射光束以消除杂散光误差。同时,光源通过参比检测器监测以减少热漂移。增益调节可将测量值**到0.001。在仪器的底部,提供一个封装的标准体。 测量反射率时,只需将美国D&S公司 15R-RGB 便携式镜面反射率计置于待测量的反射镜上,并调节支撑点到液晶屏显示的*大读数。