东莞市启航电子科技有限公司 联系人:曹先生/何先生 QQ在线:839463960/277496836 电 话: 传 真: E-MAIL:qihangyiqi@126.com 公司网址http://www.qihang17.com 地址:东莞市塘厦镇塘龙东路63号
Agilent 86140A|HP86140A|HP-86140A 光谱分析仪|OSA|安捷伦 品牌:安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP Description : Agilent Model Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA)
Specs at a glance for the 86140A
- Wavelength Range: 600nm to 1700nm - Dynamic Range: -70dB (1250 to 1610nm) - Wavelength Accuracy: +/- 0.5nm - Wavelength Linearity: +/- 0.05nm, for spans <40nm - Wavelength Repeatability: +/- 0.003nm - Polarization Dependency: +/- 0.25dB (1310nm)
Additional Information - Resolution Accuracy: +/- 4% (>0.5nm, 1525 to 1610nm) - Sweep Time: <180ms (50nm span, auto zero off)
The OSA family of benchtops provides fast, accurate, and comprehensive measurement capabilities for spectral analysis.
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