Measurements of electrical distribution cables can be challenging and risky. For cables up to two inches in diameter, the Agilent U1210 series handheld clamp meters enable high-current measurements without breaking the circuit. Unlike most clamp meters, they also include DMM capabilities—resistance, capacitance, frequency and temperature—to simplify troubleshooting during installation and maintenance. Best of all, they provide an extra layer of protection with CAT IV 600V and CAT III 1000 V safety ratings. Clamp on with the U1210 series and get convenience, versatility and the ability to handle big currents—safely. 手持式数字万用表,具有 50,000 个计数的分辨率,能够测量直流和交流电压、直流和交流电流、电阻、频率、导通蜂鸣、电容、温度、频率计数器、方波输出