The CT1 and CT2 Current Probes are designed for permanent or semi-permanent in-circuit installation. Each probe consists of a current transformer and an interconnecting cable. The current transformers have a small hole through which a current carrying conductor is passed during circuit assembly.
The P6041 Probe Cable provides the connection between the CT1 and CT2 Current Transformers and a BNC oscilloscope input. A 50 Ω termination is required to terminate the cable when connected to a high-impedance (1 MΩ) oscilloscope input. One probe cable can be used to monitor several current transformers that have been wired into a circuit. 欢迎访问本公司官方网站。 需要资料请致电本公司索取,谢谢, 台湾华仪安规测试仪,台湾华仪变频电源,华仪电子负载,日本菊水电源,菊水安规测试仪,电子负载.长期供货。泰克DPO2000B系列.DPO3000系列.AFG3000C系列函数信号发生器促销。 F8808A,泰克DPO3012,DPO3032,DPO3034,TDS3012C,TDS3032C,TDS3034C,TDS3052C. 欢迎来电咨询 安捷伦万用表:系列U1241B.U1242B.U1251B.U1252B.U1253B.U1271A.U1731C.等现货供应