GORDON防静电刷子1005HH 用于半导体、电子等行业,维修电路及清洗设备使用。 选用马鬃毛特经过殊处理制成,具有良好的防静电效果,有较强的韧性,不怕折、拉且长时间使用效果不减,用于电子产品的生产及电路板正常维护。
刷柄材质:不锈钢 刷毛材质:马鬃毛 GORDON防静电刷子1010HH,1005HH,30CK,36CK Gordon 1005HH ESD-Safe double end brush features bristles that have been mechanically clamped so they don't fall out, and there are no adhesives to leach out and contaminate cleaning fluid supply. One end of brush is unshaved; the other end is chiseled to reach into tight corners. Brushes come with soft horsehair bristles and have a 5" steel handle.
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