高品质的放大镜工作灯,长时间用不会发烫,*适合精密电子业使用。弹簧支架能够根据你对工作环境的需要,固定在任何一点。请远离强光以免意外发生。 荧光灯光线为三基色,光线没有闪烁感,能保护视力,放大与照明双重组合,使观察更清晰,更入微,可根据不同要求选择放大倍数,台式、弯折式支杆的结构设计,使用户可根据需要大范围调整观察角度和位置 适用范围 电子工程师对细微元件、元件密集的线路板进行观察和检验、化学工程、印刷制版业、集邮、动植物标本研制、珠宝饰业、学生看书、老年看报或者医务人员、美容师等需要照明、放大的工作。 8310 LFM 101 Design: Luxo The versatility and robust construction of the LFM is acknowledged around the world by a wide variety of users. It combines high specifications with functional design, resulting in a long product life and customer satisfaction. Technical i nformati on 8310 LFM 101 While primarily intended for industrial use, the LFM adaptsequally well for domestic use. The magnifying head is made of ABS polymer, combining lightness with high impact strength.The 22 Watt energy saving circular fluorescent lamp provides a high light output with a minimum of heat. The ø127 mm glass lens is positioned in the middle of the circular tube, the ideal way of illuminating an object and virtually eliminating shadows. A hinged lens cover is standard; it acts like a dust cover and prevents the lens from causing damage if left in direct sunlight. It is removable when not required. A transparent tube protection cover, made from rigid polycarbonate is standard.For additional magnification, secondary lenses can be fixed to LFM in seconds.
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