- 入驻时间: 2011-12-02
- 联系人:胡经理
- 电话:0755-83265782
- Email:bost17@163.com
性能 Functions:
◆ 输入特性测试(交流、直流、交直流) Input(AC、DC、AC&DC)
Input voltage,current,power,PF,frequency.
◆ 输出特性测试(交流、直流、交直流) Output(AC、DC、AC&DC)
Output voltage,current,power
◆ 输入精度 Input accuracy: ±(0.4% reading+0.1% range+1 digit)
◆ 输出精度 Output accuracy: ±(0.4% reading+0.1% range+1 digit)
◆ 输入、输出电流测试频响1MHz,能够准确测量各类LED驱动电源
Frequency response up to 1MHz lrms, content to every LED power
◆ 八窗口显示输入特性、输出特性各参数并显示LED驱动器的效率,便于比较、分析
Display input and output parameters simultaneously with 8 windows, also the efficiency of LED driver, convenient for
comparison and analysis
◆ 测试快速,0.1秒钟实现输入、输出各参数测试
Input and output parameters tested simultaneously within 1 second
◆ 各参数可设置上下限值,超限声光报警
Parameters can set upper and lower limit, acousto-optic alarming above limit
◆ 输入模拟电路、输出模拟电路、数字处理电路互相之间实现隔离,不但大大提高了仪器的抗干扰能力,也极大地降低了测量仪
Achieve isolation among input analog circuit, output analog circuit and digital processing circuit, not only the ability of
anti-interference is improved greatly,but also the interference which the instrument brings to the driver under test is reduced
◆ 提供HANDLER接口,以便与外部设备联接,以适应大规模快速检测
Offer HANDLER interface for connecting external equipments to do massive and fast inspection
◆ 提供RS-232接口,仪器内部固化了标准通讯协议,用户可以使用该协议编写程序,进行二次开发,自由拓展仪器的功能
RS-232 interface offered, standard communication protocol solidified inside the instrument, with which, users can write
programs for the second time development and expand functions freely.