12.5GHz Mux/DeMux AWG系列产品为适用于DWDM的 mux/demux单元,包含12.5GHz 25GHz 50GHz Mux/DeMux AWG,为目前商用的*窄mux/demux AWG产品, 同时可提供用于flap top版本的mux/demux,并且不需要进行温度控制,为热无关产品。从1998年就广泛用于各系统提供商,用于各种通信场合中。另外有PM(保偏) AWG , tunable(可调)AWG, 以及区分不同模式的MUX/DEMUX AWG复用与解复用产品。 The product line covers all bands, all number of channels and all spacings, even the non-ITU ones.
12.5GHz Mux/DeMux AWGBENEFITS: .no temperature control required .optical plug and play 12.5GHz Mux/DeMux AWGFEATURES: .passively athermal .small footprint .high isolation .low insertion loss .PM option available .Telcordia GR-1209 and GR-1221 compliant .rack packaging available 12.5GHz Mux/DeMux AWGAPPLICATION: .replacement of TFF / AWG .increasing existing network capacity .DWDM PON .OADM .submarine networks .ultra dense networks