The COH28 and
COH28-X are based on two single polarization 90° optical hybrids that enable to
extract phase, amplitude and polarization from a signal with any polarization.
products are purely passive and athermal.The COH24-X and COH28-X also feature a
phase tunability option in order to perfectly adjust the 90° ofthehybrid
depending on the wavelength used.
2 – Block
Below is
a block diagram showing how the four 90° phase stepped. Interferences are done
in the opticalhybrid.

graphs above compare the dual uniformities, a key parameter of 90° optical
hybrids, for the SignalandLO of a standard hybrid (COH) and a new generationone
(COH-X). We can clearly see that COH-X exhibits much better dual uniformities
over a wider range.
7 – Phase
tuning option
The 90° phase shift of the hybrids depends
slightlyon the wavelength. For example, it increases of about 2°to 3° over the
C-band. That means that if at 191THzthe phase shift is 88.5° it will be
approximately91.5°at197THz (see next paragraph for some typical measurements).
For some
applications it can be useful to have a very precise 90°phase shift whatever
the wavelengthyouare working at. That is what the phase tunability option on
COH-X enables. With this option, two voltages(V1 and V2) between 0V and 4V can
be applied on thehybrid. One will increase the phase shift when thesecond one
will decrease it. Hence for any wavelength in the OWR the phase shift can be
adjusted to beprecisely equal to 90°.
Below are
the packaging of a COH24-X with the phasetuning option and a typical
measurement of the phaseshift versus voltage for a COH24-X device:

phase vs voltage for a COH24-X with phase tuning option
8 – Typical measurements
The two
following diagrams show the typical behavior of the 90° phase shift. On the
first one, one canseethat the variation of the phase shift versus the
temperature is very small (less than 1°). Hence the hybriddoes not need any
temperature control to ensure a precise, stable 90° phase shift. On the second
diagram,one can see that the variation of the phase shift versus the wavelength
is small (less than 3°). However if forsome particular application one need to
have a veryprecise 90° phase shift, the phase tunability optionavailable on
COH-X will enable to adjust it precisely for any wavelength of the OWR.

Application note: full tunable 90° hybrid
In order to have the possibility to control
all theparameter of a COH24-X or a COH28-X, we propose ina19inches-2U rack a
system where the user can adjust:
insertion losses uniformity
-the skew

10 –
Fiber type and connectors
For the
single polarization hybrids (COH24 and COH24-X) both the Signal and Local
Oscillator have PM fiber.The outputs have SM fiber.
For the
dual polarization hybrids (COH28 and COH28-X) the Local Oscillator has PM fiber
and the Signalhas SM fiber. The outputs have SM fiber.
For all
of these products, the outputs can optionally have PM fiber with a PER of 20dB.
For COH28
and COH28-X, the Signal input can optionally have a PM fiber aligned such that
the slow andfastaxes are split by the input PBS. Eventually the fiber can be
aligned in a different way upon customerrequest.
devices can be proposed with any kind of connectors (FP/UPC, FC/APC, SC/PC,
SC/APC, LC/PC, E2000/PC,E2000/APC).
11 –
Wavelength range
COH-X can be proposed at different wavelengthrange, from the visible to the IR.
The device willbeoperational on a wavelength range of a tens of nanometers
centered on the wavelength required by customer. Products at 1300nm, 1064nm and
800nm havealready successfully been manufactured.
12 –
Custom product
Thanks to
our free-space technology we can easily customize most of our product and so it
is for the 90°optical hybrids. Customer can feel free to ask forany
customization they need. We will examine the request and do our best to have a
positive answer.
13 –
Package layout

Table of contents
Coherent optical architectures.
Coherent mechanical packages and labelling.
Phase shift stabilityin temperature.
Shift Stability Over Wave length rang.
Coherent receiver
characterization methods.
and Fibres labelling

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