采用5.7英寸(120×90)单彩液晶触摸显示屏,中文菜单显示。公称规格、试验载荷、打印、测试、上行、下行、时间、标定。由键盘控制液晶显示屏上的菜单,自动加载切割力,自动记录线径数据,自动输出数据报告,机载打印测试数据,完全符合 “YY0043-2005”规定
拉力测试范围:0.1~30N,误差不大于±0.1N,分辩率0.01N; 加载速率:100 mm/min 公称规格:0.2~1.3mm; 夹具转角为:180° 打 印 方 式:可打印10次测试平均值数据及其总平均值和偏差值。 净重:8kg 外形尺寸:260×400×290(mm)
Using 5.7 inches (120 * 90) single color LCD touch screen, Chinese menu display. Nominal specifications, test load, print, test, up, down, time, calibration. The menu is controlled by the keyboard, the cutting force is automatically loaded, the diameter data is automatically recorded, the data report is automatically output, and the test data is printed in accordance with the "YY0043-2005" Regulations Tensile test range: 0.1 to 30N, the error is not more than + 0.1N, resolution 0.01N; Loading rate: 100 mm/min Nominal size: 0.2 ~ 1.3mm; The clamping angle is 180 degrees Printing method: print 10 test average data and its total average value and deviation value. Net weight: 8kg, size: 260 * 400 * 290 (mm)
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