  • 产品名称:加液漏斗,下端小管直径*长度:12*75mm|曼斯韦尔MANSWARE

  • 产品型号:BH-F291275
  • 产品厂商:曼斯韦尔MANSWARE
  • 产品价格:101
  • 折扣价格:101
  • 产品文档:
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: 为您提供多种漏斗和干燥器产品,包括加液漏斗、三角漏斗、平角漏斗、60°漏斗以及真空过滤器和样品干燥器等,规格丰富,满足不同实验和操作需求。 英文: Manswareoffersyouavarietyoffunnelanddryerproducts,includingliquidadditionfunnels,triangularfunnels,flat-anglefunnels,60°funnels,vacuumfiltersandsampledryers,etc.,withrichspecificationstomeetdifferentexperimentalandoperationalneeds.
中文产品详情: 曼斯韦尔 MANSWARE 漏斗与干燥器产品详情介绍 一、产品细节图 [此处插入产品细节图片] 二、产品性能 漏斗设计合理,液体流动顺畅,不易堵塞。 干燥器具有良好的密封性和干燥效果。 三、用材 采用高品质的玻璃、塑料或金属材料,坚固耐用。 四、参数表 产品名称 规格 加液漏斗 下端小管直径长度:1275mm、1290mm、1975mm、19*90mm 三角漏斗 上口直径:50mm - 100mm,磨口:19/22 - 29/42 平角漏斗 上口直径:50mm - 100mm,磨口:14/20 - 29/42 60°漏斗 上口直径:75mm - 100mm,磨口:24/40 - 29/42 真空过滤器 磨口:14/20 - 24/40 样品干燥器 40#法兰、50#法兰,8MM 新型高真空 五、型号 多种型号,适应不同场景。 六、用途 广泛应用于化学实验、工业生产中的液体添加、过滤和样品干燥等操作。 七、包装 采用专业包装,防止产品受损。 八、使用说明 使用漏斗时注意控制液体流速。 干燥器使用前确保密封良好。 九、售后服务 提供及时的技术支持和售后保障。 曼斯韦尔 MANSWARE 漏斗与干燥器,品质可靠,助您实验和生产顺利进行。 英文产品详情: Product Details Introduction of Mansware Funnels and Dryers 一、Product Details Images [Insert product detail images here] 二、Product Performance The funnel is reasonably designed, the liquid flows smoothly and is not easy to clog. The dryer has good sealing performance and drying effect. 三、Materials Adopt high-quality glass, plastic or metal materials, which are sturdy and durable. 四、Parameter Table Product Name Specification Liquid Addition Funnel Lower end tube diameter * length: 1275mm, 1290mm, 1975mm, 1990mm Triangular Funnel Upper mouth diameter: 50mm - 100mm, grinding mouth: 19/22 - 29/42 Flat-angle Funnel Upper mouth diameter: 50mm - 100mm, grinding mouth: 14/20 - 29/42 60° Funnel Upper mouth diameter: 75mm - 100mm, grinding mouth: 24/40 - 29/42 Vacuum Filter Grinding mouth: 14/20 - 24/40 Sample Dryer 40# flange, 50# flange, 8MM new type high vacuum 五、Models Various models to adapt to different scenarios. 六、Uses Widely used in liquid addition, filtration and sample drying operations in chemical experiments and industrial production. 七、Packaging Adopt professional packaging to prevent product damage. 八、Usage Instructions Pay attention to control the liquid flow rate when using the funnel. Before using the dryer, ensure good sealing. 九、After-sales Service Provide timely technical support and after-sales guarantee. Mansware funnels and dryers, with reliable quality, help your experiments and production proceed smoothly.