Agilent | 85054B|校准件|网络分析仪校准件|18GHz|N型 品牌: 安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP 主要技术指标 * DC to 18 GHz frequency range * Calibration standards to perform full two-port calibration * Torque wrenches for properly connecting standards * Adapters to change the sex of the test port * Standard definitions on disk for loading into network analyzer 主要描述 The Agilent 85054B mechanical calibration kit contains precision standard devices to characterize the systematic errors of Agilent network analyzers in the Type-N interface. This kit also contains adapters to change the sex of the test port, connector gauges for verifying and maintaining the connector interface, and a torque wrench for proper connection. Included are standards definitions on disk
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