85052D,二手85052D,85052D 85052D,二手85052D,85052D 85052D,二手85052D,85052D
联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ:1946418560 廖先生 QQ:785298834
长期回收Agilent 85052D 85052D网络校准件分析仪
直流到26.5 GHz的頻率範圍 *校準標準,以執行完整的雙端口校準 *扭矩扳手連接標準,為妥善 *適配器改變性別的測試端口 *標準的定義上裝載的磁盤到網絡分析儀 *商業校準証書 主要描述 安捷倫85052D經濟精密機械校準套件包含標準的設備來形容在3.5毫米接口安捷倫網絡分析儀的系統誤差。該套件還包含適配器以改變性別的測試端口和一個正確的連接扭矩扳手。包括在磁盤上的標準定義。連接壓力表可以單獨訂購
主要技术指标 * DC to 26.5 GHz frequency range * Calibration standards to perform full t w o-port calibration * Torque wrenches for properly connecting standards * Adapters to change the sex of the test port * Standard definitions on disk for loading into n e t w ork analyzer * Commercial calibration certificate
85052D,二手85052D,85052D 85052D
主要描述 The Agilent 85052D economy mechanical calibration kit contains precision standard devices to characterize the systematic errors of Agilent n e t w ork analyzers in the 3.5 mm interface. This kit also contains adapters to change the sex of the test port and a torque wrench for proper connection. Included are standards definitions on disk. Connector gauges may be ordered separately
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