本公司长期销售 租赁 维修 回收二手美国安捷伦5316A数字频率计 二手美国安捷伦5316A数字频率计,欢迎来电联系。 本公司长期销售 租赁 维修 回收二手美国安捷伦5316A数字频率计 二手美国安捷伦5316A数字频率计,欢迎来电联系。 联系人:张先生 联系电话: 传真: E-mail:@163.com 在线咨询QQ:274707770 备注:长期现金高价回收:二手手机通讯测试仪器,示波器,频谱分析仪,网络分析仪,综合测试仪,信号源,示波器,电源,万用表,功率计,电源,电子负载,天馈线分析仪,功率计/头,LCR表,GPIB卡等等。如果你手中还有闲置的二手仪器,防止存放贬值,挤压资金,你也可以联系我,我们愿意以市场*高价回收利用,您的满意就是我们*终的追求。
Agilent 5316A|HP-5316A通用频率计 100MHz 品牌:美国安捷伦Agilent惠普HP Description:The Agilent HP 5316A is a reconditioned UniversalCounter. * Frequency range (channel A) is 0.1Hz to 100MHz. * Period range is 10 nS to 105 sec, * Time interval range is 100 nS to 105 sec. * Ratio range is 0.1Hz to 100MHz (both channels) * Totalize range is DC to 100MHz. * HP-IB provides programmable functions and control. Display is an 8-digit LED for superior resolution. OtherInfo: The 5316AUniversal Counter uses a unique custom circuit called the MRC(Multiple Register Counter) which packs counting and computingpower into one unit. Frequency range (channel A) is 0.1Hz to100MHz. Period range is 10 nS to 105 sec, time interval range is100 nS to 105 sec. Ratio range is 0.1Hz to 100MHz (both channels)and totalize range is DC to 100MHz. HP-IB provides programmablefunctions and control. Display is an 8-digit LED for superiorresolution. The unit is housed in a rack-and-stack metal case, hasbuilt-in HP-IB capabilities and front panel access to Channel A andB trigger levels for easy measurement with a DVM.