▪ 易于使用: 像手动移液器一样操作简单: 只有2个按钮 4种操作模式,吸液,分液,混匀,反向吸液 ▪ 非常直观的操作界面,可单手操作 ▪ 重量轻,手感均衡,按钮零压力 ▪ 大量程范围,0.5ul-1200ul 4个单通道量程: 10µl / 20µl / 300µl / 1200µl 8个多通道量程:10µl / 20µl / 300µl / 1200µl ▪ 充电时亦可操作 ▪ 电动马达驱动
吸液模式 4 Essential modes
This is the classic pipette mode (forward pipetting) followed by a mixing phase, composed of repeatedly aspirating and dispensing, as well as an optional forward pipetting step.
REVERSE MODE The REVERSE Mode is like reverse mode pipetting with a manual pipette.
During aspiration an extra amount of liquid is added.
After delivery the excess volume remains in the tip and is discarded.
10-300 µl
1 µl