

日期:2025-03-12 14:23
摘要: **滑触线作为一种替代老式角钢滑触线的**产品,其比角钢滑触线有具有那些优点呢?我们大体可以从这几个方面看出他们的区别。比如在成本,安装以及施工难易程度,运行可靠性及日常维护等等方面。 Safety sliding contact line is a kind of new products to replace the old steel sliding contact line, the ratio of angle steel sliding contact line has the advantages? We can from this aspects to see the difference between them. For example, in the cost and difficulty of construction, installation, opera...


Safety sliding contact line is a kind of new products to replace the old steel sliding contact line, the ratio of angle steel sliding contact line has the advantages? We can from this aspects to see the difference between them. For example, in the cost and difficulty of construction, installation, operation and maintenance and reliability.


For many in the new building and installation of crane, are tangled in the end should choose which one is better? Jinan Qingyun in the proposed new construction the use of security sliding touch line, I understand the biggest advantage is safety, other reasons do not hold.


In the angle of sliding contact line part mentioned auxiliary line, using the flat aluminum, what is its effect? Load flow angle is smaller, the crane power event, to increase its carrying capacity. What is the iron clad switch function, can replace with other protective appliances? The iron casing switch name enclosed load switch, can use other protective appliances (combination) to replace.


In our power to crane, what should we choose a few line? I think when it is difficult to guarantee the wheel with track has reliable electrical connection, should adopt the 4 sliding contact line, otherwise 3 root. (actually, the 5 core security sliding touch line, all OK).


When the security sliding touch line and the collector with the sliding contact line out, without setting maintenance section. Security sliding touch line and angle of sliding contact line is a kind of common mobile power supply equipment often use will be our daily production and use, with the popularity of the safety sliding contact wire, angle steel sliding contact line elimination, we in the selection of the time sliding contact line is not so difficult to determine!


Security sliding touch line and angle of sliding contact line should be set in light signal, to ensure the safety of users. In order to make later sliding contact line maintenance more convenient, when we install sliding contact line, try to choose the installation maintenance section is installed, but maintenance section and under what circumstances? 2 or more of the crane sliding contact line work in fixed bare steel common, should according to the production and repair need to set the maintenance section.

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