

日期:2025-03-12 14:29
摘要: **滑触线做为移动设备的输电系统,每隔一段时间都得进行**检查及时发现问题,及时解决. Security sliding touch line as the transmission system of mobile equipment, every once in a while to conduct safety inspections of the timely detection of problems, timely solve. 因此对**滑触线保养应注意以下几个方面 : So the security sliding touch line maintenance should pay attention to the following aspects: 1) 定期检查**滑触线连接部分.时间长了,接头部分难免会出现松动. ...


Security sliding touch line as the transmission system of mobile equipment, every once in a while to conduct safety inspections of the timely detection of problems, timely solve.

因此对**滑触线保养应注意以下几个方面 :

So the security sliding touch line maintenance should pay attention to the following aspects:

1) 定期检查**滑触线连接部分.时间长了,接头部分难免会出现松动.

1) regularly check the security sliding touch line connection. A long time, the joint part will inevitably be loose.


2) sliding contact line collector brush. When the collector brush wear to a certain degree, the need for timely replacement, so as not to cause the interruption of power supply

3) 检查吊架部分有没有损坏,如果有,请及时更换.

3) check the hanger part there is no damage, if any, please timely replacement.


4) if the bad using environment, please take dust security sliding touch line outside the erase time.

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