  • 入驻时间: 2014-06-10
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日期:2024-09-27 06:07
摘要:关键词:biotech 简介:世界****biotech原装**,质量保证,价格优惠。 我公司专业经营进口胎牛血清、细胞因子、ELISA试剂盒、细胞、抗体、生物试剂、耗材、培养基、一抗、二抗、其产品吸附均匀,吸附性好,空白值低,孔底透明度高,代做ELISA实验等。产品涉及分子生物学、细胞生物学、细菌学、遗传学、免疫学、生物化学、蛋白质学、细胞治疗、临床应用等领域。国内范围内免费快递运输,如出现运输质量问题,我们可以包退换货。 产品介绍:biotech bi...
    1. 细胞的增殖和细胞毒实验,一般可在96孔细胞培养板中进行。   
    2. 每孔加入100微升细胞悬液。细胞的数量取决于实验目的和培养时间。增殖实验每孔通常加入103个以上数量的细胞;细胞毒性实验每孔至少加入5x103个或以上数量的细胞(具体每孔所用的细胞的数目,需根据细胞的大小,细胞增殖速度的快慢等因素确定)。   
    3. 接种的细胞按照实验需要,送入细胞培养箱进行培养。增殖实验通常要给予0-10微升特定的药物或生长因子进行刺激。细胞毒实验通常要给予0-10微升抑制因子或细胞毒药物;   
    5.在570nm测定吸光度,参考波长600nm。如无此滤光片, 可用565 nm 和 610 nm的滤光片替代。  
    6.也可用荧光分光光度法检测,激发光波长在530-560 nm之间,发射光波长为590 nm。检测时间可在结果以荧光强度表示。
CP1100 Human PAI-1 Chromogenic Activity kit
EP3010-1 Human PreAlbumin ELISA Kit
EP1200-1 Huamn Plasminogen ELISA Kit
EMP2211-1 Mouse Plasminogen ELISA Kit (Plasma/Serum Samples)
EMP1200-1 Mouse Plasminogen ELISA Kit (Urine & Cell Culture Samples)
EP1100-1 Human PAI-1 ELISA Kit
EP1105-1 Human PAI-1/tPA ELISA Kit
EP1311-1 Human Protein C ELSIA Kit  (Plasma & Serum Samples)
EP2312-1 Human Protein C ELSIA Kit  (Urine & Cell Culture Samples)
EP3022-1 Human Prothrombin ELSIA Kit
EPP3022-1 Swine Prothrombin ELSIA Kit
EMP3022-1 Mouse Prothrombin ELSIA Kit
ER5010-1 Human Recoverin ELISA Kit
ER1001-1 Human Resistin ELISA Kit
EMR1001-1 Mouse Resistin ELISA Kit
ER3005-1 Human RBP4 ELISA Kit
ER1005-1 Human RBP ELISA Kit (Plasma & Serum Samples)
ER2005-1 Human RBP ELISA Kit
ES1001-1 Human SCF (Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
EMS1001-1 Mouse SCF (Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
ES2001-1 Human Survivin ELISA Kit
ET3105-1 Human Transferrin ELISA Kit ( for Urine and Cell Culture Media)
ET2105-1 Human Transferin ELISA Kit
ERT2105-1 Rat Transferrin ELISA Kit ( for Plasma & Serum Samples)
ERT3105-1 Rat Transferrin ELISA Kit ( for Urine and Cell Culture Media)
ET1002-1 Human Tissue Factor ELISA Kit
CT1002b Human TF Chromogenic Activity kit (Two step, Lipo)
ET1005-1 Human TFPI ELISA Kit
CT1001 Human tPA Chromogenic Activity Assay kit
CT2002 Human tPA Chromogenic Activity Assay kit  (Immuno-activity *****)
ET1001-1 Human tPA ELISA Kit
EMT1020-1 Mouse TAT Complexes ELISA Kit
ET1020-1 Human TAT Complexes ELISA Kit
ERT2010-1 Rat TNF-alpha ELISA Kit
ET2010-1 Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-??) ELISA Kit
EMT2010-1 Mouse TNF alpha ELISA Kit
ET4010-1 Human Thrombin ELISA Kit
ET3102-1 Human TGF-beta1 ELISA Kit
CU1001b Human uPA Chromogenic Activity Assay kit (Indirect Assay)
CU1001a Human uPA Chromogenic Activity Assay kit (Direct Assay)