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> Innnovative Research of America四川代理


Innnovative Research of America四川代理

Innnovative Research of America四川代理
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Innnovative Research of America四川代理,2017年**季产品价格表促销信息已经出炉;尊敬的广大客户,欢迎在新的一年2017年**季里光临我司网站浏览产品详细信息,我们将一如既往的提供上等的产品和服务,为您的实验项目保驾护航。Innnovative Research of America四川代理
Innnovative Research of America四川代理
,简介:玉博生物公司做为Innnovative Research of America四川代理,专业经营原装进口胎牛血清、细胞因子、ELISA试剂盒、细胞、抗体、生物试剂、耗材、培养基、一抗、二抗等。
Innnovative Research of America四川代理的产品涉及分子生物学、细胞生物学、**学、遗传学、**学、生物化学、蛋白质学、细胞**、临床应用等领域。做为Innnovative Research of America四川代理,我们郑重承诺:保证原装进口,如出现运输质量问题,我们可以包退换货。
Innnovative Research of America四川代理,所能提供产品如下:
Anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) (DyLight(R) 800 Conjugate),货号:CST 5151P,规格:100 ul Related Products
Anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) (DyLight(R) 800 Conjugate),货号:CST 5151S,规格:500 ul Related Products
Androgen Receptor (D6F11) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5153P,规格:40 ul Nuclear Receptor Signaling
Androgen Receptor (D6F11) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5153S,规格:100 ul Nuclear Receptor Signaling
Human Latent Transforming Growth Factor beta-1 (hLatent TGF-beta-1),货号:CST 5154LC,规格:10 ug Developmental Biology
Human Latent Transforming Growth Factor beta-1 (hLatent TGF-beta-1),货号:CST 5154LF,规格:10 ug Developmental Biology
SimpleChIP(R) Human SUB1 Promoter Primers,货号:CST 5156S,规格:500 ul Related Products
CLOCK (D45B10) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5157S,规格:100 ul Chromatin Regulation / Nuclear Function
Frizzled6 (D16E5) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5158S,规格:100 ul Developmental Biology
MYH Antibody,货号:CST 5159S,规格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
Phospho-ATRIP (Ser224) Antibody,货号:CST 5161S,规格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
Phospho-MYPT1 (Thr696) Antibody,货号:CST 5163P,规格:40 ul Cytoskeletal Signaling
Phospho-MYPT1 (Thr696) Antibody,货号:CST 5163S,规格:100 ul Cytoskeletal Signaling
Human Interleukin-28A (hIL-28A/IFN-lambda-2),货号:CST 5164LC,规格:50 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Human Interleukin-28A (hIL-28A/IFN-lambda-2),货号:CST 5164LF,规格:50 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Human Interleukin-28A (hIL-28A/IFN-lambda-2),货号:CST 5164SC,规格:10 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Human Interleukin-28A (hIL-28A/IFN-lambda-2),货号:CST 5164SF,规格:10 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Geminin Antibody,货号:CST 5165S,规格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
EAPP (1E4) Mouse mAb,货号:CST 5166S,规格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
Phospho-Stat1 (Tyr701) (58D6) Rabbit mAb (Sepharose Bead Conjugate),货号:CST 5167S,规格:400 ul Immunology and Inflammation
VEGF Receptor 2 (55B11) Rabbit mAb (Sepharose Bead Conjugate),货号:CST 5168S,规格:400 ul RTK
eIF4G2/p97 (D88B6) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5169P,规格:40 ul Translational Control
eIF4G2/p97 (D88B6) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5169S,规格:100 ul Translational Control
Phospho-Akt (Ser473) (D9E) XP(R) Rabbit mAb (HRP Conjugate),货号:CST 5171S,规格:100 ul PI3K / Akt Signaling
SimpleChIP(R) Human H19/Igf2 Imprinting Control Region Primers,货号:CST 5172S,规格:500 ul Metabolism
Phospho-CD79A (Tyr182) Antibody,货号:CST 5173S,规格:100 ul Immunology and Inflammation
GAPDH (D16H11) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5174P,规格:40 ul Metabolism
GAPDH (D16H11) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5174S,规格:100 ul Metabolism
Cofilin (D3F9) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5175P,规格:40 ul Cytoskeletal Signaling
Cofilin (D3F9) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,货号:CST 5175S,规格:100 ul Cytoskeletal Signaling
Oct-4A (C30A3) Rabbit mAb (Alexa Fluor(R) 488 Conjugate),货号:CST 5177S,规格:100 ul Developmental Biology
Mouse Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (mTNF-alpha),货号:CST 5178LC,规格:50 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Mouse Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (mTNF-alpha),货号:CST 5178LF,规格:50 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Mouse Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (mTNF-alpha),货号:CST 5178SC,规格:10 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Mouse Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (mTNF-alpha),货号:CST 5178SF,规格:10 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Sox2 (D6D9) XP(R) Rabbit mAb (Alexa Fluor(R) 555 Conjugate),货号:CST 5179S,规格:100 ul Developmental Biology
TRIM29/ATDC Antibody,货号:CST 5182S,规格:100 ul Chromatin Regulation / Nuclear Function
Human Interleukin-29 (hIL-29),货号:CST 5183LC,规格:50 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Human Interleukin-29 (hIL-29),货号:CST 5183LF,规格:50 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Human Interleukin-29 (hIL-29),货号:CST 5183SC,���格:10 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Human Interleukin-29 (hIL-29),货号:CST 5183SF,规格:10 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Phospho-IRF-7 (Ser471/472) Antibody,货号:CST 5184S,规格:100 ul Immunology and Inflammation
Akt (pan) (C67E7) Rabbit mAb (Alexa Fluor(R) 647 Conjugate),货号:CST 5186S,规格:100 ul PI3K / Akt Signaling
Phospho-CARD11 (Ser652) Antibody,货号:CST 5189S,规格:100 ul Immunology and Inflammation
Mouse Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (mGM-CSF),货号:CST 5191LC,规格:50 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Mouse Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (mGM-CSF),货号:CST 5191LF,规格:50 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Mouse Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (mGM-CSF),货号:CST 5191SC,规格:10 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Mouse Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (mGM-CSF),货号:CST 5191SF,规格:10 ug Immunology and Inflammation
Histone H3 (3H1) Rabbit mAb (HRP Conjugate),货号:CST 5192S,规格:100 ul Chromatin Regulation / Nuclear Function
Phospho-Chk1 (Ser317) Antibody (Biotinylated),货号:CST 5194S,规格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control

Innnovative Research of America四川代理报价

PIERCEMA181706Anti-CD122 Monoclonal Antibody250 µg3384

厂商 货号 品名 规格 目录价 库存状态
PIERCE MA181706 Anti-CD122 Monoclonal Antibody 250 µg 3384
PIERCE MA181707 Anti-CD122 Monoclonal Antibody 100 µg 2173
PIERCE MA181709 Anti-CD49d Monoclonal Antibody 500 µg 5368
PIERCE MA181710 Anti-CD49e Monoclonal Antibody, FITC conjugate 500 µg 4287
PIERCE MA181711 Anti-CD49a Monoclonal Antibody 250 µg 3384
PIERCE MA181712 Anti-CD49a Monoclonal Antibody, FITC conjugate 500 µg 4287
PIERCE MA181713 Anti-CD49a Monoclonal Antibody 500 µg 5225

Innnovative Research of America四川代理相关产品如下:

品牌 产品名称 规格 价格 货期
Innnovative Research of America四川代理 Normal Human IgG Control 100ug 2001元 部分现货
Innnovative Research of America四川代理 Recombinant Mouse VE-Cadherin/Fc Chimera, CF 100ug 2002元 部分现货
Innnovative Research of America四川代理 Recombinant Human TGF-beta RIIb/Fc Chimera, CF 100ug 2003元 部分现货
Innnovative Research of America四川代理 Recombinant Mouse ST2/IL-1 R4/Fc Chimera, CF 100ug 2004元 部分现货
Innnovative Research of America四川代理 Recombinant Human UNC5H3/Fc Chimera, CF 100ug 2005元 部分现货


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