Model 683小动物呼吸机有两个活塞和气缸组件,小的允许体积量从0.5—5cc,0.5cc的增量。大的从3—30cc,0.3的增量。通过刻度可更**地进行设置潮汐气体体积。
Model 687 小鼠呼吸机是单一活塞和气缸。潮汐体积范围从0.1到1cc,0.1cc的增量。通过刻度中,可以**地设置气缸冲程。两个呼吸机的活塞能够达到气缸末端,使呼吸循环的死体积*小。
Rate Adjustable from 18 to 150 strokes/min while the ventilator is running
Phase Ration 1:1 fixed
Dimensions, H x L x W 25 x 32.5 x 15 cm (10 x 13 x 6 in)
Weight 8 kg (18 lb)
Power 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Ventilator Small Animal Mouse
Tidal Volume Adjustable from 0.2 to Adjustable from 0.05 to 30 ml/stroke while the 1 ml/stroke while the ventilator is running ventilator is running
Port Size:
ID 3.5 mm (1/8 in) 2.2 mm (0.086 in) OD 5 mm (3/16 in) 4 mm (5/32 in)
Model 683 687