(蜂窝式)陶瓷加热器 耐高温陶瓷电热圈采用的不是一般云母挠线方式制作,而是采用陶瓷条穿丝方式,因此该产品的功率比普通的要高0.5~1.5倍。发热体为进口圆丝陶挠成弹簧状穿入陶瓷条圈成,外罩采用日本产不锈钢,中间采用高温隔热保温棉(硅酸铝纤维板)防止温度外泄。陶瓷条是高频陶瓷具有传热快、坚硬不易碎、高温不变形不易老化等特点。 (蜂窝式)陶瓷加热器 1、传热快,发热均匀、工作稳定。 2、温度不外泄、可节省电能,外罩用手触摸不烫手,工作**。 3、产品的功率高,采用陶瓷条穿丝方式功率比普通的要高0.5~1.5倍 4、欧美耐高温发热丝,具有散热快,发热均匀,高温稳定等特点,可长时间在600-800℃使用。 5、产品寿命长,由于原材料在高温下老化比较慢因此产品寿命长。 6、符合国家GB各项技术要求。功率偏差+5%∽-10%。 7、电气强度:经电压1500v/50Hz正弦交流电压试验,经1MIN无击穿现象。 High temperature ceramic electric circle is not generally used in Mica torsion line production, but used to wear silk, pottery, so the products than the general power to the 0.5 to 1.5 times. Fever for the import of round wire Tao torsion spring-like penetration into ceramic laps of the 10%, Housing by the Japanese production of stainless steel, high temperature insulation between Cotton (silicate fibreboard) temperature to prevent leakage. Ceramics is a high-frequency ceramic heat with quick, hard non-friable, high temperature deformation is not difficult to aging and so on. 1, faster heat transfer, fever uniform, work and stability. 2, a temperature not compromised, can save power, housings do not touch hot hand, work safety. 3, high-power products, ceramic, wear silk way than ordinary power to 0.5 to 1.5 times 4, Europe and the United States high temperature fever silk, with rapid cooling, heating uniform, high temperature stability characteristics, can be a long time in the 600-800 ℃ use. 5, longer product life, as raw materials under high temperature aging more slowly so long product life. 6, in line with the state GB the technical requirements. Power deviation +5% ∽ -10%. 7, the electrical strength: 1500 v/50Hz sinusoidal voltage AC voltage test, no breakdown by 1 MIN phenomenon.
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