BATOP GmbH成立于2003年,是一家隶属于德国耶拿大学的私人公司。BATOP从事的专业领域包括:低温分子束外延技术,介质溅射镀膜,晶圆加工和芯片安装技术。在过去几年里, BATOP 已成为一个用于被动锁模激光器的可饱和吸收体的供应商。可饱和吸收产品集合了各式各样的不同的器件,从可饱和吸收镜(SAM™),到可饱和输出镜(SOC)和用于透过应用的可饱和吸收体(SA)。迄今为止,可饱和吸收产品已经覆盖了800nm到2.6μm的常用激光波长范围。另一个产品系列是用于太赫兹发射和探测的太赫兹光电导天线(PCA)。BATOP不仅提供单带隙天线,还包括整合了微透镜的高能大狭缝交叉天线阵列和整套的太赫兹光谱仪。 太赫兹光电导天线的激发波长为800nm到1550nm之间。BATOP借助强大的研发能力来不断提高自己的产品, 我们始终和客户在一起,更好的满足他们的需求。
光纤激光器评估套件Picosecond fiber laser evaluation kit PSFL1030
The evaluation kit PSFL1030 allows the realization of different picosecond fiber laser configurations at 1030 nm wavelength using a saturable absorber mirror (SAM) as nonlinear optical device for passively mode-locking and standard fibers in the laser cavity. The active fiber is Yb doped. The fiber laser design can be changed easily to study the influence of certain elements on the laser output signal. The discussion of experimental results supports the understanding of important phenomena in a passive mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser. The user gets the needed knowledge to construct its own ps fiber laser setup at 1?30 nm. The following fiber laser configurations can be realized using the evaluation kit PSFL1030: Passive mode-locked ps fiber laser with a saturable absorber mirror (SAM) Dispersion control using a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) ps oscillator + fiber amplifier combination Continuous wave fiber laser at 1030 nm wavelength Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) broadband emitter. ps fiber laser evaluation kit The evaluation kit contains all components to build and run a picosecond fiber laser at 1030 nm wavelength including the 980 nm pump laser diode and the laser diode controller. To measure the laser output parameters besides the evaluation kit PSFL1030 the following additional equipment is needed for the proposed laser experiments: Optical power meter to measure the average laser output power Fast photo diode to trace the time dependent laser output signal Oscilloscope 200 MHz for measurement the photodiode output signal Optional: OSA (Optical Spectrum Analyzer) to measure the spectral intensity Optional: Autocorrelator for pulse duration measurements