
Arbor Assays——黄体酮/孕酮代谢物定量试剂盒

日期:2025-01-27 15:50
摘要:Arbor Assays专注于开发用于药物发现和基础研究的高灵敏度检测试剂盒、高纯度抑制剂和抗体。用于非侵入性内分泌学、线粒体功能障碍、氧化应激、细胞信号生物标志物、肾损伤、胆碱酯酶活性和其他领域的研究产品一应俱全。提供用于测量 cGAMP、P450、AChE 和 BChE 活性的独特试剂盒等。


DetectX Progesterone / Progesterone Metabolites ELISA Kit

这是一种通过比色法定量生物样品中存在的黄体酮和黄体酮代谢物的 ELISA 试剂盒。 它适用于所有动物物种。


DetectX 黄体酮ELISA试剂盒





黄体酮(黄体酮,P4,孕甾-4-烯-3,20-二酮)是一种 C-21 类固醇激素,参与人类和其他物种的女性月经周期、怀孕和胚胎发生1。 它属于一类称为孕激素的激素,是主要的天然人类孕激素2。 黄体酮是子宫、卵巢、乳腺和大脑中女性生殖功能的重要调节剂,在心血管系统、骨骼和**神经系统等非生殖组织中发挥重要作用3。

黄体酮的作用由核黄体酮受体 (PR) 的两种亚型传递:PRA 和 PRB。 PRA 和 PRB 在人、大鼠和小鼠的多种正常乳腺组织中表达,也在乳腺癌细胞中表达4,5。 黄体酮还参与周围神经系统的神经营养作用,因为它激活轴突的生长和成熟,并刺激神经纤维再生中髓鞘的修复和替换6



在不同的动物物种中,黄体酮可以作为一种多样化和常见的黄体酮分子被代谢和排泄7。 在一些粪便中,它被发现为5-还原黄体酮(孕酮)代谢物、孕酮和氢孕酮。 这些常见黄体酮分子的测量为支持濒危物种的育种策略提供了重要数据。 使用对大多数孕酮代谢物具有高交叉反应性的群体特异性抗体有望为正在进行的生殖周期提供强有力的证据8,9


  1. Graham, J. D. and Clarke, C. L., Endocr. Rev.18:502~519 (1997).
  2. Pearlman WH, and Cerceo, E., J. Biol. Chem.278:73~89 (1952).
  3. Li, X and O’Malley, BW., J. Biol. Chem.278:39261~39264 (2003).
  4. Ho, S-M.,"Estrogen, Progesterone and Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.", Reprod. Biol. & Endo.1, 73 (2003).
  5. Campagnoli, C., et al., "Progestins and progesterone in hormone replacement therapy and the risk of breast cancer.", J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.96, 95~108 (2005).
  6. Koenig, HL, Gong, WH and Pelissier, P., "Role of progesterone in peripheral nerve repair.", Revs. of Reprod.5, 189~199 (2000).
  7. Schwarzenberger, F., et al., "Measurement of Fecal Steroids in the Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) Using Group-Specific Enzyme Immunoassays for 20-Oxo-Pregnanes.", Zoo Biology15, 159~171 (1996).
  8. Kancheva, R., et al., "Relationship of circulating pregnanolone isomers and their polar conjugates to the status of sex, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy.", J. Endocrinology, 195(1), 67~78 (2007).
  9. Palme, R., et al., "Faecal Metabolites of Infused 14C-Progesterone in Domestic Livestock.", Reprod. Dom. Anim., 32(4), 199~206 (1997).

Product Type

Name DetectX Progesterone ELISA Kit DetectX Progesterone Metabolites ELISA Kit
Measurement factors
  • progesterone
  • 3- and 11-hydroxyprogesterone
  • progesterone
  • 5α- and 5β-dihydroprogesterone
  • Allopregnanolone
  • Progesterone metabolites, including pregnanolone
Product code K025-H1 K025-H5 K068-H1 K068-H5
Number of plates 1 plate 5 plates 1 plate 5 plates
Number of
samples to be measured (double measurement)
39 samples 231 samples 40 samples 232 samples
Measured animal species All animal species
Measurement sample Dry fecal extracts, urine, tissue culture medium Dry fecal extract, urine
Measurement Methods Competitive ELISA
Detection method Colorimetric
Measurement wavelength 450 nm
Duration of operation Approx. 150 minutes Approx. 90 minutes
Measuring range 50~3,200 pg/ml 102.4~10,000 pg/ml
Measurement sensitivity 47.9 pg/ml 51.2 pg/ml
Detection Limits 52.9 pg/ml 57.0 pg/ml
Kit Contents Clear 96 well plate*1
(Coated with goat anti-mouse IgG antibody)

(Coated with goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody)
Progesterone standard*1
DetectX progesterone antibody*1
(Anti-mouse progesterone Mab)

(Anti-rabbit progesterone Pab)
DetectX progesterone conjugate
Assay buffer concentrate
Wash buffer concentrate
TMB substrate
Stop solution
Plate sealer



通过复制粘贴酶标仪测量的原始数据,输入样品在板上的布局、实验条件、标准样品浓度和稀释率等数值,可以快速确定未知样品的浓度。 Arbor Assays 为每个检测试剂盒提供 MyAssays。 它是免费使用的,但您需要先注册为会员。


Name DetectX ELISA Kit
Progesterone Progesterone Metabolites
Product code K025-H1 K025-H5 K068-H1 K068-H5
Types of Steroids Obscurity
Progesterone 100% 100%
3α-hydroxyprogesterone 188%
3β-hydroxyprogesterone 172%
11α-hydroxyprogesterone 147% 4.9%
11β-hydroxyprogesterone 2.7%
17α-hydroxyprogesterone 5.7%
20α-hydroxyprogesterone 0.34%
5α-dihydroprogesterone 7.0% 56.7%
5β-dihydroprogesterone 61.9%
Allopregnanolone 27.3%
Pregnenolone 5.9% 17.6%
Epipregnanolone 10.2%
Allopregnandiol 0.29%
Corticosterone <0.1%
Androstenedione <0.1%

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