- 入驻时间: 2017-02-14
- 联系人:付豪
- 电话:0755-83986300 83980158
- Email:fuhao@birdrf.com.cn
Bird 13.56MHz功率消耗器Dummy load 8931-230SC13
8931-230SC13, 10 kW,超稳定油介质射频终端负载,专用于13.56MHz频点测试!
为了*大限度地提高工艺的重复性和一致性,现代等离子体应用需要**的射频功率调节和控制。射频发生器的校准、调节和监测是确保准确和可重复的射频功率输出的关键过程。Bird现在提供超稳定,低驻波比负荷,以快速和**的测量发射机的输出功率时,使用精度,功率传感器,如4020系列。在工艺临界频率下,8931-230SC13不仅提供低的驻波比,而且小于0.1 dB的总变化降低不同时间的校准而造成重复性的风险。这可以避免*小化与此校准相关所产生的误差,并控制一个更关键的过程变量。
product specifications:
Item No:8931-230SC13
Item Name:10 kW,超稳定,油介质射频终端负载
Power Rating:10 kW, 230 V
Frequency Range and VSWR:DC to 28 MHz @ 1.1 max.VSWR less than 1.05:1
Impedance Ω:50 (nominal)
VSWR Stability:< 0.1 dB, from 0 to 100% rated power at stability frequency
Stability Frequency:13.56 MHz ± 10 kHz
Connectors:"QC" Type LC (Female) - normally supplied
Interlock Thermoswitch - Optional:Normally closed. Opens at 236 °C (457 °F)
Thermoswitch Rating:115 VAC, 10 A;230 VAC, 5 A
Temperature Range:Operating: +5 to +40 °C (+41 to +104 °F);Storage: – 40 to +45 °C (– 40 to +113 °F)
Altitude:1520 m (5000 ft.)
Humidity:95% noncondensing max.
Cooling Method:Oil dielectric and convection currents
Dimensions:32.8" x 9.5" x 33.4";832 x 241 x 847 mm
Weight:142 lbs.65 kg
Finish:Black Epoxy Resin
Bird 13.56MHz功率消耗器Dummy load 8931-230SC13 Bird 13.56MHz功率消耗器Dummy load 8931-230SC13